Moo Moo

Here’s an interesting one. Moo Moo Trading is another share trading site that promises new users 5 or 6 “fractional” shares. Despite a Google search I’m still not entirely sure what fractional shares are. I decided to sign up to this site. I got my 5 shares or whatever it was I was promised. These five shares worked out to have a value of around $130 or something. I signed up to the site when the market was down and a couple of weeks later sold the shares when the market was up a little. I reckon I made $12 on the upswing with these shares. Cool enough I guess. Now to attempt to re-invest and buy some thing else. I couldn’t figure out what to do as my account said I only had $15 available to invest. I shot a message to the platform to see if they could help, to which I got no reply. Messaged again a week or so later, same story. Basically I get the feeling this one was a waste of time. Thankfully I didn’t put in any of my own money into this site.


The Moo Moo Trading app actually seems pretty decent. It does smash your phone with market notifications so be aware of that. I find this useful as I trade anyway and I like getting the news sent to me. Others may find the notifications and the amount of notifications annoying. I don’t feel the incentive to sign up was enough to make it worth signing up for, much less switching platforms for. If you have something that already does work, why switch to this? The non existent customer service also rang alarm bells. People put serious money into these platforms, if they can’t be f–ked answering my rather short simple messages, I’m not going to persevere further with the site.


Trading platfroms are serious business. People put a lot of money into them and the service level needs to be a lot better than what I’ve experienced here. I’ll stick to my current providers thank you very much. If you don’t have a current provider probs just easier to talk to your own bank. Or look at the previous article on AAA Trading, this site was much easier to use for beginners. I should note I’m not saying Moo Moo is a scam, but the offer that roped me in was a waste of time, and the customer service so poor that this wasn’t going to win over a new customer.

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By admin

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