Trial and Error

When looking at online ventures there will be some element of trial and error. A lot of them will be a “Sign up and see” type of process. I don’t see anyway around it unless you have a trusted friend who has done the programs as well to advise you. You can google the programs as well but I find that many of the review sites are “peppered” with fake reviews. Either people that are doing the program singing its praises, or people who didn’t understand the program, slamming it online. Either way I’ve found the online reviews basically add nothing. The more of these programs you look at the better you’ll get at sniffing out the scams.

Yes. Be aware, a lot of what’s out there is basically a scam.

I’ve attempted many programs in order to make some money. Unfortunately have some costs as well. Many will be either scams or over hyped as to how much money you will make. Some will just be opportunities that I haven’t been able to make work. There’s maybe be nothing wrong with the program but some people are better at some things than others. Many people doing them will tell you it pays, even if they’ve never been paid from it. They want your sign up (they get referral bonuses for that) so they’ll basically say anything.

Posted on this site:

If I promote an opportunity on here, it means I’ve been paid from it, or I can verify others have been paid from it. I won’t ever promote anything on here that hasn’t paid out. If it’s not on here it more likely means I haven’t tried it. There’s a million opportunities out there I can’t physically try them all.

When I sign up for a new online opportunity I ASSUME it’s going to be either useless or a scam. I put in only money that I can afford to loose and give it a go. I’ll attempt maybe one new program a month. This way the losses don’t mount up beyond what I can afford to loose out of the side income I’ve already got coming in. I’ve signed up to a couple of extra trading sites, crpyto sites and some email advertising thing. Some have definitely been better than others. Some impossible to work out and others quite useful. Others basically a scam or pyramid scheme. I’m happy to put in say $100 USD into a site and if what they’re doing doesn’t pay or its been way exaggerated then I’ve only lost the $100 and leave it alone. If it works then its another stream of income.

Trial and Error

Survey sites are a great example of varying levels of usefulness (thankfully they generally don’t charge to sign up to). Most of them pay out and are honest in my opinion (at least the ones I’ve signed up to and persued far enough to actually make the payout level). The return levels vary vastly you need to be aware of how much per hour the surveys you sign up to are worth and if you’re just wasting your time or not. Through trial and error, I currently have 3 survey sites I can say I like, 3 more focus group sites, a couple more survey or focus group sites which may be useful and a whole host of time wasters. This took me some time to sift through the crap but once you do its worth it.

Unfortunately if you’re going to attempt this there is almost certainly going to be some time wasters you have to sift through until you find what works for you. Now that I’ve been doing this a while I can honestly say I’m not worried by the amount of time wasters I’ve encountered. I actually feel happy and blessed to have found a few honest programs that are providing a reasonable level of side income. I try to focus 80% or more of my time on the stuff thats working and the other 20% on new stuff. If a new thing starts to work I can assess if its better than something I’m already doing and work it in the schedule. This may mean removing something that pays less.

Be sure to keep checking back The Income Site for more great articles on making money!

By admin

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