focus groups

Here’s something that isn’t a regular income. But when you get a focus group assignment, BAM!!! Great payout!! Infact I did one just then and went into the city sat around for 1 and a half hours and got a nice pay out of $120 (Australian). To put this into perspective for my non Australian readers, this is is over half my after tax income for a day. It’s way more than my weekly grocery spend. I could basically pay for my petrol for two weeks on this. All this for only an hour and half worth of work. Some of these provide free food, so you defs can’t top this. This also has the added advantage of making the survey income look a lot better. Let’s say you’ve spend 4 weeks making around $30 a week off the surveys and POW!!! You get a focus group it basically doubles your weekly income for that month.


Some of these will pay cash. Others will pay in vouchers. I try to use mine for either the grocery shop, or the petrol spend (as those are things that I have to spend money on anyway). Then I try to NOT withdraw the equivalent amount out of my pay check. This way it’s cool too as the tax man doesn’t have to know about it. This is how I start building up some savings.

Another good thing about this is since i’ve made this much I’m not going to bother doing surveys this week (unless something really good comes up). :D.

I’m not going to bother listing the focus groups I use as its probably different for every state in every country. Try finding these yourself and sign up to as many as you can. You wont get a heap of these but when they come in, dammit it really helps!!!

Remember to keep checking back on The Income Site for more great articles on how you can build up a side income for yourself.

By admin

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