Assess yourself

This could sound harsh to some but its basically the first point of building wealth or increasing your income on line.

Assess where you’re at now

Do you have income coming in?

If not, this information is probably not for you just yet. I’d focus on getting some income coming in first to stabilise your situation. Most (if not all) of the strategies outlined here will require some level of investment or heaps of time. If you don’t know where your next meal or housing payment is coming from, id suggest you solve that first. Most of these things take time to build and you simply can’t do that when you’re stressed and running around in circles.

Do you have some income coming in, but can’t meet day to day expenses?

Again, read the above advice. if you’re falling well short of your day to day expenses sort that out first then come back back and read this. Or read this anyway and get some ideas on where to go when you stabilise your income.

You’re meeting day to day expenses or saving some level of money on a paycheck to paycheck basis

Well then this is for you! You’ve got your day to day needs met, and you’re looking to move to the next level. We will have plenty of strategies for you to start building your income and later on down the track your wealth.

One thing about me is I don’t believe in fairy tales. I am an extremely practical / pragmatic personality. Yeah some people get lucky. I’m guessing if you’re reading this, you’re not one of them (Don’t feel bad, neither am I). Stop hoping for miracles. Assess where you’re at now, and build on it from there.

Keep checking back regularly on The Income Site on a regular basis!

By admin

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